Live Ready®

Beyond Think and Grow Rich

“There are so many who are walking in the shadows and wondering if they matter. I am an expert at that because that's how I started my life. We all matter.”

- David R. Ibarra

From his own life journey, to those of Jeff Bezos, Misty Copeland, and other inspiring stories – author, speaker, and entrepreneur David R. Ibarra shows the real-world application of the Live Ready principles through the success of those who are living proof today. Live Ready – Beyond Think and Grow Rich follows the foundation laid in his novel Stop Drifting, to map out the complete path to lead you to the success you truly deserve.

As a nearly life-long disciple of Dr. Napoleon Hill and over 30 years of coaching businesses and individuals, David's modernization of the time-tested principles of Dr. Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich makes them accessible to an ever-changing world. What do you want? How do you get it? Dive in to this step-by-step guide to personal transformation through the power of purpose and thought for a rich, full life.

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Live Ready®

Beyond Think and Grow Rich

"I am delighted to say that this book supports the Think and Grow Rich principles by Napoleon Hill in every way, with an up-to-date style, in the voice of David R. Ibarra."

— Don Green, Executive Director and CEO of the Napoleon Hill Foundation.

"This is not a book. It is an invitation to profound growth. Ibarra will challenge you to greater selfhonesty, persuade you of a better way of doing life, then patiently mentor you to turn breakthrough ideas into potent habits. Use it as prescribed and you will be rewarded forever."

— Joseph Grenny, New York Times Bestselling author of Crucial Conversations and Crucial Influence

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To inquire or schedule and Interview with David Ibarra, Author of Stop Drifting please contact our publicist

Magi Driscoll